Thursday, May 14, 2015

Story on Fasting: the lost Art

The lost art of fasting is a practice of mine that
I've found to be very rewarding.  There was a lot of planning that fell over the way domin oes do .  The ability to write about it shoots my nreves into high gear.  The body using up foods for energy are not there during a fast.  The book I read shows motives that cannot be understood.  Yet the values and beliefs of the focused motive for example to build a closer relationship with Christ are magnified during a fast.

AS I made this my goal to fast I could hear my struggles to eat, to go back to the desires that stand in the way.  There is a imperfect world out there.  Through the three to sometimes five days of my fast I can see the calm and joy of what the book on fasting was seriuos about which was being able to hear the small voice of God with clarity.  It came in and went as I grew more excited and my focus become as a microscope to my life and the world I live in while then reaching a view from a telelscope or a whole picture.

There are many things important that I became aware of around me at work, at home, and in a social gathering while fasting.  This lost art some say is still in use today in many countries.  Fasting for me in the US has been a difficult thing to schedule since while on one you must be meditating or praying mostly or totally for the cause or the pleasure and treaure that you succumb to most with become enhanced such as whether it be for a better relationship, more money, a better job, or other things of the world that choke out the purpose of your particular reason to fast.

According the this bbok I have been following since DEcember 2013 each year I have made it for a closer restoring returning relationship with Christ Lord.  This has brought me small results of Bible study fellowships, Christian Rock, confidence in these things that I ordinarily would not take part in coming from a lover of classic rock, and ball game fellowships mostly so to speak.  The awareness from the lost art of fasting I gained was a calm and joyful one as God promised in His Word.

Fasting is a requirement to be taken seriously and I have seen it first hand.  When you are lazy or quitting a fast or in a gray area with it while in it you will find challenges such as sleep deprivation, and or concerns in areas that you may not be ready for example I wasn't ready to fast for God rather I was more focused at times to fast to lose wieght and or get a better job which had me spinning my wheels or chasing the little carrot at the end of the stick so to speak.

So in circles I went for months calmly and joyously yet no change in my life sparked.  As Iwanted to be ready I learned that clearly I wasn't while seeing the hill at the beginning of change being more of a mountain. Yet I stayed my course with much grief picking at my pleasures of being with my partner when clearly the times were not right.  So after mentioning a few examples of my fasting experience, I can end my blog by mentioning that in the book I succumb to for this lost art as it mentions, the way to understanding a fast is to know it works.  How is works is by not being a burden to others, and including others in your prayers.

The book is called Prayers I found in in my parents book shelf the author is Dr. Miles Monroe.

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