Saturday, April 5, 2014

Seeping Through

Candid, unnoticed. Spotted out.
Awareness seeping through.
Desparate for rest.
Thirsty for more.
Hungry to be starved.

Watched. Hidden. Discovered.
War for another lover.

PSalms 23

O Shepard most High
Who is neigh
Im letting it all pass me by
Oh Shepard
Whom shall I fear O You who is near.
Whom shall I want, lack, desire.
Walking through memory lane, futures fame
Thy rod and staff comfort me
and all I can say is thank you.

At the table of evil You prepare
onainted oil and my cup runneth o'er
O majesty
O star of wonder
 you alone cause my cup to overflow
O lover of my soul
I'm letting go
O Ancient of days old
My mistakes and imperfection are followed by
mercy and goodness
moment by moment Ill dwell in the house of the Lord
Forever and ever Jesus name amen.

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