Thursday, October 18, 2012


This term seems like a thing of the future.  It never feels like its a present thing.  The feeling of this fruit must be invisible.  The way it feels to be thinking of this renders me blank.  I render my heart faithfully to God to move me.  Patience is a long suffering and it is God.  God is patient. 

Maybe this stems from why they call a patient in a hospital a patient because they have to wait in a bed for a doctor.  Patience is waiting on the Lord for me.  Patience is a long suffering.  Patience will have her way.  She will make perfect her way.  Patience when she is finished will sanctify us.  She helps.


I began feeling humility when God penetrated my heart with His Word.  I felt a glimpse of it a drop of it.  As I catch on to the humble focus of working with managers and co workers I can tell you that the bible studys the fellowship there has chipped away at a hardness of the stone wall around the heart. 

There is a feeling of suffication that it brings where I'm underneath and humility is the small light through the crack in that wall.

Fruits of the spirit can be used faithfully by praying about what fruits we can use as followers of Christ. I don't know what fruits I can use per say yet I pray about it.  I've pondered on the fruits and prayed on them that God would show me the best to work with faith.

Today I will discuss some things I've learned on forgiveness.  Its about forgiveness when you can barely speak or you cannot speak about anything good.  Its a word.  The heart needs to forgive not just the mouth. 

Poem:  Whatever is true, noble, just, pure,.....

Vacuum sounding over peace as I believe it to be.  Half of a meaning, data, short or long winded connections, meaningless, and a chasing after the wind.  Holding on, forgetting, knowing, not knowing, meaningless, and a chasing after the wind.  Hunger for more?  Dave will tell you to turn to Ch 3 of Ecclesiastes.

Broken?  today?  A song came on the radio, a temporary answer of relief ...              you were broken from the beginning ...get on your way.  Carry me Lord today...and you will hear that He has been carrying you from the beginning so get on your way.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. 

Ye of Little Faith.... blank is the day.  Woman of great faith your wish is granted He said, so follow me.

Poem:  Trembling Friend....

Believe Jesus is Lord....and the rest will be yours.  Knots of lullabys given to Holy eyes are harmonies made from miseries!  Listen!  Believe and you will hear!  Listen!  Gone is all fear!  O how little is your faith....Be still in the Lord,  and He will give you strength, o unfaithful one your cup runneth over!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The devotional "Famous Last Words VI"

"And when he had given thanks he brake it and said, "Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you; this do in rememberance of me....This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 1 Corthinians 11:24, 25b

10x "remember" is used below

What are we to remember by the grape juice and the bread? 

Remember Christ's sacrifice and price paid for our redemption.

We are to reminisce about where he found us and recall the scar in the rock where He rescued us from, realizing the depth of the pit from which the shovel of grace dug us!

We are to remember His thorn scared brow.

Remember His riven side, remember His pierced hands and feet, remember the spit, the slaps, the sneers and snap of the whip.  We are to remember what He's done for each of us.-T.G.

I read this today.  A bright sunny day.  The air was warm and soft.  It was a day like never before.  Death where is your sting?  GLory to the highest!  Glory to the King of kings!  Amen