Thursday, September 13, 2012

Armor of God   Ephesians 6  Stand strong, obey, honor, and trust in the lord

Gods Love  1 Chronicles 13  God help me to put your love into action.  All your love.

Nehemiah  1-4  breaking down the walls of the palace and the rebuild through Nehemiahs weeping

and prayer.
The study of Esther
Mordecai "the Jew"
Esther crowned queen of Persia
sets her people free notes.

A lot of words at the power of God.  A walk of love to get through and strum.  A protection shield, a helmet, and a sword which is the Word of God against all odds.  Peace, rest, and God.  Just a still heart, just a warm tender hearted lark. A piece of information of a nations devastation.  Courage and strength given to use with the Armor of God against all odds.  Weapons of love sent from above by a dove.

A crying pain within a mindframe, a struggle to settle, be still, and refrain.  Parts of Armor, Gods great faithfulness, mercy, and grace to carry us,  There is no fight against flesh and blood but against principalities.  A hope, a confidance, a trust, and obediance to put God first at such a thirst.  A hunger to be filled as prayer abounds.

I woke up thinking today about Standing Strong in God.  Standing may be all we can do. Define standing?  Then it was clear and over coffee and a very frigid cold morning I told my dad that we are fighting the dark heavenly realm here not flesh and blood.  And we prayed near the kitchen sink about it.  Thanks dad for meeting me humbly as we watch and wait on our coming Lord.  The time is near. God speaks through the Word of God and I'm 12 Chapters behind in Exodus on my yearly Bible reading.  Praise God. He is good.

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